Our infant room serves infants ages 6 weeks-15 months old. We are licensed to have 4 infants for every teacher, with our group total being 10 infants and 3 teachers.
In the Infant room, care is specialized to each individual child’s schedule and each child’s eating and sleeping habits are honored. Staff ensures that each infant has one on one time with staff and that they are exposed to art, music, books, play, large motor activities, toys, and the ability to establish a friendship with peers. An open parent and teach relationship is essential to a child’s well-being. Parent involvement and communication is strongly encouraged by all staff. Daily infant reports on eating, sleeping, toileting, and emotional disposition will be sent home. We have an open door policy and encourage parents to visit when they would like.
Current waitlist for Newborns: September 2024
Ask about a spot on the waitlist
Initiate and maintain social play with adults
Initiate interaction with other infants
Display affection to familiar adults
Play independently
Transition smoothly between activities
Rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking practice based on progress
Hand-eye coordination
Hand to hand coordination
Reach and grasp objects
Participate in “nursery games” with an adult
Guestures and simple vocalizations to communicate
Turn and look towards person speaking
Respond and recognize own name
Emotional Development
Sense of self and taking turns
Calm self when stressed or anxious
Separate comfortable from parents
Recognize facial emotions