The Toddler Room serves children 16 months old-33 months old. There is 1 teacher to every 7 toddlers, with a group total of 13 toddlers and 2 teachers.
Our Pre-Toddler section resides in the toddler room, but follows an infant ratio of 1:4. The Pre-Toddler room serves 4 children 12months-15months if they are ready to transition from the infant room to the toddler room
The toddler room is designed to support the exciting and emerging sense of self, curiosity, confidence, and the rapid physical and emotional growth of all toddlers. The teachers in the toddler room provide opportunities for hands on learning and experience. Toddlers can look forward to art, music, puzzles, blocks, dramatic play, science, and both indoor and outdoor opportunities to run, jump, climb, and develop physical skills. Parent involvement and communication is key and encouraged through daily reports, scheduled parent-teacher conferences, and an invitation for parents to visit and participate in the everyday activities.
Begins to show empathy
Feels safe and secure away from parents
Shows affection or dislikes
Shows pride in accomplishments
Exhibits contrasting moods
Imitates others
Influences or persuades others
Helps at clean up time
Enjoys exploring with others
Exhibits and interest in adult language
Find Hidden Objects
Operate mechanical toys
Identify basic body parts
Begin color and shape recognition
Sits well in chairs
Climbs up steps
Marches in place
Rolls, throws, and kicks balls
Stacks blocks
Uses a crayon and paintbrush
Attempts to put on shoes, socks, jacket
Washes and dries hands
Uses utensils
Drinks from a cup